Friday, August 27, 2010

Sleep Tight and Do not let the Bed Bugs Bite

Bed bugs are small insects that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. They are sometimes referred as "red coats", "chinches" or "mahogany flats". They are usually active at night but when they are hungry they feed during the daytime. They usually populate human dwellings, birds nests or bat caves since this offers warmth a place to hide and a host to feed on. They usually populate human dwelling especially if it is crowded. They live in cracks, crevices in walls, furniture, behind wood paneling, behind wallpaper or under carpeting. They can be transferred from one place to another via clothing, luggage, bedding and furniture. They do not have the means to cling to hair, fur or feathers and are rarely found in hosts.

Bed Bugs do not carry any danger to man,it is basically a nuisance. They usually work at night when you are sleeping and the bite is painless. Most people do not react to them but there are a few individuals who will be allergic to their saliva resulting in welts, itching and swelling. The typical lifespan is 10 months and can survive for weeks without feeding.

How to get rid of "BED BUGS?"
  • wrapping in big plactic containers infected mattress or small items to suffocate the bed bugs
  • expose the mattress to intense cold or heat or you can wrap it in special plastic bags to get rid of the bedbugs
  • wash all bedsheets, clothes and curtains in hot water on a regular basis
  • vacuum and steam-clean carpets
  • use insecticides for household use only with "pyrethins" as an active ingredient
  • do not bring in old mattresses and box spring sets and old furniture which can harbor the bed bugs (if you must try to inspect the seams of the mattress inside the box)
  • seal all cracks and crevices in the house which are hiding places for the bug
  • using a hot blow dry aim this at the crevices to force the bugs out

They are one of the most difficult things to treat because they can hide very well. If all fails call the pest control guy.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Salmonella from Eggs

According to the Center's for Disease there is a countrywide recall of shelled eggs because they found out that it had caused several outbreaks of Salmonella in California, Colorado and Minnesota. On August 13, 2010, Wright County Egg of Galt, Iowa conducted a nationwide voluntary recall.
Tips to reduce the risk of getting Salmonella from eggs
  • keep eggs refrigerated at <45f(<7c)>
  • discard cracked or dirty eggs
  • wash hands, cooking utensils and food preparation surfaces with soap and water after contact with raw eggs
  • eggs should be cooked until both the white and the yolk are firm and need to be eaten promptly after cooking
  • do not keep eggs warm or at room temperature for more than 2 hours
  • refrigerate unused or leftover egg-containing food promptly
  • avoid restaurant dishes made with raw or undercooked, unpasteurized eggs
  • consumption of raw or undercooked eggs should be avoided especially by young children, elderly persons, persons with weakened immune systems or debilitating illness

Symptoms of Salmonella

  • diarrhea after 12-72 hours of ingestion of contaminated food or beverage
  • abdominal cramps with fever

illness may last for 4-7 days and most persons recover without antibiotic treatment.

Information for the Center's of Disease

Imperforate Anus

This is a congenital anomaly where the rectum ends in a blind pouch and you might have an opening into the vulvovaginal area in females and urethra in males. This is considered a disorder which have occurred during embryogenesis in the hindgut. This occurs in 1 in 5000 livebirths with slight male preponderance. This are classified into two kinds a low lying and a high lying rectal pouch. The experts use the pubococcegeal line as a guide to determine if the lesion is high or low. High lesions usually come with an underlying fistula wither rectourinary or rectovginal fistula.

This is present at birth and the first things that happens is that you would not notice stools in the first 24 hours and this could be associated with abdominal distention. In some cases where there is a fistula you can see the stools and the urine seem to come in the same opening. If you notice this the first thing to do is transfer the baby at a pediatric surgical center,do not feed the baby temporarily then administer IV fluids and IV antibiotics specially when there is a fistula through the urinary tract. We worry about t a urinary tract infection.
Diagnosis can be done with a combination of physical examination and and x-rays.
this is associated with the VACTERL syndrome (vertebral anomalies, anal atresia, cardiac problems, Tracheoesophageal fistula, renal problems and limb abnormalithes.

Need to watch for constipation as the child grows bigger and to take care of this problem medically. The surgeon is consulted for anoplasty and serial dilations will be done. colostomy is done for high lesions.